Rank |
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Votes In |
Votes Out |
1. |  Preparing For SHTF SHTF, Emergency Preparedness, Prepping, Survival Skills, Survival Gear Reviews, Homesteading, Bushcraft and more .
 Â | 35201Â | 174223Â |
2. |  Modern Survival Blog We embrace practical-sensible-preparedness… life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness… coupled with an extent of self reliance & sustainable living.
 Â | 21140Â | 72404Â |
3. |  Survival Sherpa Doing the Stuff on our climb to self-sufficiency and preparedness� one step at a time! Home of the Doing the Stuff Network
 Â | 10066Â | 51232Â |
4. |  Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Dr. Bones, an M.D. and Nurse Amy, an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner. They�re Medical Preparedness Professionals, and REAL Preppers, bringing you conventional and alternative medical strategies to stay healthy in any disaster/grid-down situation
 Â | shadowrocket替伋品 | 23031Â |
5. |  shadowsock下载 ios We are pushing the envelope of self-reliance teaching and learning.
 | 4851 | shadowrocket美区id |
6. |  免费shadowsock二维码 Healthy prepping, homesteading adventures, and the pursuit of liberty and food freedom
 Â | 4374Â | 31701Â |
7. |  SURVIVOPEDIA Uncommon Wisdom For Dangerous Times
 Â | 4187Â | 42630Â |
小火箭ssr永久免费节点 | Â 小火箭ssr永久免费节点 A place for survivalists and the prepared in Texas
 | 4107 | 15880 |
9. |  1776PatriotUSA.com Unapologetically American - Freedom Firearms Preparedness Patriotism
 Â | 3928Â | shadowrocket替伋品 |
10. |  SurvivalBlog The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times
 | shadowrocket替伋品 | 24610 |
11. |  Plan and Prepared.com Chance favors the prepared - Information and reviews for the prepared!
 Â | 3831Â | 19117Â |
12. |  Survivalist Prepper Learning to prepare is preparing to survive
 Â | 3493Â | 37774Â |
13. |  ModernSurvivalOnline.com Daily posts on all things related to preparedness.
 Â | 3191Â | 31903Â |
14. |  Ask a Prepper Ask a prepper how to prepare, survive and thrive. Read more how to articles and keep up with the latest survival news.
 Â | 3084Â | 20472Â |
15. |  Ed That Matters The Prepared Life is An Educated Choice!
 Â | 2579Â | 17215Â |
16. |  Prepper365 Preparing for an uncertain future and sharing our journey with you
 Â | 2518Â | 9748Â |
17. |  Homestead Dreamer Working toward a more self-sufficient life and trying to be prepared for the unknown.
 Â | 2474Â | 16539Â |
18. |  American Preppers Network Survival, Preparedness, and Sustainable Living Community
 Â | 2036Â | 27305Â |
19. |  Preppers Survive
 Â | 1786Â | 免费shadowsock二维码 |
20. |  American Preppers Online Preparedness in uncertain times
 Â | 1480Â | 14491Â |
21. |  The 7 P's Blog Survival, Bushcraft and Preparedness Blog
 Â | 1477Â | 13323Â |
22. |  Bioprepper Common wisdom for uncertain times
 Â | 1430Â | shadowrocket免费节点 |
23. |  Patriot Rising Freedom � Liberty � Awareness & Preparedness � News & Opinion
 Â | 1412Â | 19244Â |
24. |  LetsTalkSurvival LetsTalkSurvival � A survival blog focussed on the discussion and demonstration of Emergency Preparedness, Self Reliance, Urban and Outdoor Survival skills, tips, techniques, and lots of gear reviews too...
 | 1302 | 10511 |
25. |  azweaponcraftprepper Vital information for beginning preppers. Not Fancy, Just Factual
 Â | 1190Â | 10376Â |
26. |  Rational Preparedness A sane family oriented approach to preparedness.
 Â | 1122Â | 11955Â |
shadowrocket美区id | Â Paranoid Prepper Paranoid Prepper that German Prepper Network, one of the best known German portals for Prepper from Prepper, Crisis Preparedness, Outdoor, Survival with Blog and more since 2010. Follow us Paranoid-Prepper.
 Â | 1019Â | 7812Â |
28. |  Bunker Basics Bunker Bob emphasizes that preparation is everything. Discussions include what could cause The Event, escape plans, bunkers, and more.
 | 免费shadowsock二维码 | 3281 |
29. |  Prepper Boards Prepping community based on skills and knowledge. We regularly discuss everything from Bug Out gear to Homesteading, and Firearms to Current Events. Join us for some great civil discussions about prepping and survival!
 Â | 941Â | 5546Â |
30. |  Food Storage Moms Food Storage/E-Prep/Helping one family at a time
 Â | 864Â | 9559Â |
31. |  Freedom Preppers Because you never know when the day before ... is the day before. Prepare for tomorrow!
 | 860 | 10679 |
32. |  Prepared Housewives Simplified: Food Storage - Emergency Prep - Survival Skills
 Â | 807Â | 11771Â |
33. |  PreppersGermany - Forum für Krisenvorsorge Forum für Prepper in Deutschland. Monatliches Preppermagazin für Krisenvorsorge, Bushcraft & Outdoor-Survival, Gear (Messer, Multitool, Tomahawk & weitere) Survival Ausrüstung, Autarkie, Lost Place und Urbex. EST 2014
 | 749 | 5436 |
34. |  小火箭ssr永久免费节点 Incremental prepping from beginner to advanced, including sustainable living and security plans to provide for and protect your loved ones through any disaster.
 Â | 682Â | 4102Â |
35. |  shadowrocket美区id The Simple Prepper is a survival blog devoted to providing high quality content related to topics such as disaster preparedness, emergency survival, prepper kits, self-reliance, and personal defense. Our mission is to make prepping easy and fun!
 Â | 免费shadowsock二维码 | 4013Â |
shadowrocket替伋品 | Â Apartment Prepper Family preparedness in an apartment setting
 Â | 655Â | 11662Â |
37. |  ios版shadowrocket下载 A uk prepping and survival blog.
 Â | 522Â | 3033Â |
38. |  shadowrocket替伋品 An Blog about Survival, DIY and Paleo Nutrition
 | 510 | shadowrocket替伋品 |
39. |  BeSurvival Survival, Prepping, & Homesteading Experts Share Their Wisdom
 | 免费节点二维码分享 | 5300 |
40. |  shadowrocket和potatso lite UK Survival Guides is the one stop shop for all the latest guides in the UK prepping and Survival scene. Our aim is to provide you with valuable skills.
 Â | 472Â | 1500Â |
41. |  Prepared Survivalist We at prepared survivalist are here to provide a place for you to get sound advice on all things survival and preparedness related. Other topics covered are survival gear, survival food, prepper skills, prepper hacks and B.O.B essentials
 Â | 395Â | 1600Â |
42. |  shadowsock下载 ios Prepper, Survivalist, Paramedic. Patriot in the colonial sense of the word. I grew up hunting and fishing the Carolinas. Became a prepper as a side effect of my job and growing up as a Scout. Now I want to inspire and teach others the benefits of the rea
 | 349 | 4014 |
43. |  Mama Kautz homesteading, prepping, homeschooling
 Â | 314Â | 7905Â |
44. |  Prepared Christians Ready In Season and Out of Season!
 Â | 305Â | 669Â |
45. |  Off Grid and Free: My Path to the Wilderness Practical advice for off-gridders, homesteaders, preppers. 40 years off-grid homesteading experience. Blog, videos, podcasts, Off Grid and Free: My Path to the Wilderness
 | 286 | 4115 |
46. |  FutureDanger FutureDanger is an American news link Heatmap Dashboard. Achieve situational awareness of multiple threat indicators in one view. Be prepared. MOLON LABE.
 | 259 | 4745 |
47. |  Family Survival Farm Blog with survival in mind
 | 234 | 3468 |
48. |  The Herbal Survivalist Spot A site dedicated to teaching others to prep Naturally,Tactically and Realistically for both short and long term durations
 Â | shadowsock下载 ios | 5795Â |
49. |  Survival24x7 Your source for survival, preparedness, homesteading, and DIY articles.
 Â | 220Â | 5998Â |
50. |  The Berkey Guy Blog Helping you prepare while time is on your side
 Â | 209Â | 6984Â |
免费节点二维码分享 | Â Click Survival For Preppers & Survivalists everywhere! No-Bull blog for when the SHTF!
 | 204 | 221 |
52. |  iOS上的软件如何使用订阅功能?_weixin_44953077的博客 ...:2021-5-7 · 10.至此,shadowrocket订阅教程结束。 ** potatso lite:** 1.打开网站登录后向下翻,找到节点订阅,点击复制 2.打开软件并点击现在添加,再点击订阅 3.第一行(name)随便填 第二行auto update开启 第三行将刚复制的链接粘贴到里面 之后点击右上角对号 Emergency Preparedness Guide
 | 171 | 3224 |
53. |  WholeSurvival.com Dedicated to upgrading your survival skills and learning to be more self sufficient.
 | 156 | 5974 |
54. |  Urban Prepper Chick - Learning as I Go Prepper site, info, how to's, PDF, survival, Herbs, movies and more
 | 152 | 6432 |
55. |  Prepared For Survival Homesteading, preppers, survival, self-sufficient, preparedness, and tips for becoming more self-sufficient in these trying times. Learn to be able to take care of your family with very little money and tons of ingenuity.
 | 144 | 6836 |
56. |  免费节点二维码分享 It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark..
 | 144 | 3272 |
57. |  shadowsock下载 ios Survival, preparedness, tactical gear and blog to help prepare for uneasy times ahead!!
 | 125 | 6789 |
58. |  Plan or Perish Planning and Preparing for Disasters, Infrastructure Failures, and War
 | 123 | 6263 |
59. |  SurvivalGearARmory.com Essential information preparing for emergencies, home defense and self sufficiency. Prepper gear shop - free delivery.
 | 104 | 2881 |
60. |  The Northern Nevada Preppers Group This is a family based group supporting a self-reliant life style and we come together in the spirit of cooperation to assist others in being prepared for natural or man made disasters. Check out our Radio Net link to listen to our radio shows.
 | 小火箭ssr永久免费节点 | 5240 |
61. |  Survivalist Home Easy to read, interesting articles on all things survivalist. We have topics such as how to make primitive shelters, ways to purify water, building a bunker and many more!!
 | 94 | shadowrocket美区id |
62. |  Rogue Preparedness Rogue Preparedness is a modern take on everyday preparedness for women, families and anyone else who wants to be prepared.
 | 90 | 891 |
63. |  Preparedness Techniques for the Average American America's Preppers Resource
 | ios版shadowrocket下载 | 6027 |
64. |  Surviving Dystopia Alfred Henry Lewis said, “there are only 9 meals between mankind and anarchy” this is a fact….3 days is all that represents…Learn to Thrive!
 | 76 | 4725 |
65. |  arkhaven Ministries Noah Prepared to Survive the Flood. ArkHaven: God's Place of Protection, Provision and Promise. Safe areas for Preppers. Prepper Properties for Sale. Prepping with Intentional Neighbors
 | 71 | 2995 |
66. |  ios版shadowrocket下载 Easy to read, informative guide to surviving a crisis, topics such as bug out kits, survival foods, hardening your home and more!!!
 | 69 | 240 |
67. |  Survivalist Gear Tried and tested survivalist gear. We look at what you really need as a prepper.
 | 63 | 124 |
68. |  SurvivalBarracks.com Prepare, be ready and survive. Artciles and information about Survival Skills.
 | 62 | 5139 |
69. |  Zone Survival To be aware is to be prepared
 | 61 | 4674 |
70. |  Top Outdoor Survival It is never to late to start prepping and work toward a more self-sufficient life.
 | 59 | 534 |
71. |  免费shadowsock二维码 How one Texas woman tries to share traditional life, Budget Abundance, self-reliance and preparedness
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72. |  The Doomsday Moose The Doomsday Moose includes various articles relating to our impending doom.
 | 55 | 5901 |
73. |  ThePrepperPages.com Teaching Advanced Survival Medicine to Preppers!
 | ios版shadowrocket下载 | 5404 |
shadowrocket免费节点 | Â American Media Group - AMG-NEWS.com We are dedicated to the truth, true journalism, the truth movement. The truth will set us free, it will enlighten, inspire, awaken and unite us. Armed with the truth united we stand, for peace, freedom, health and happiness for all.
 | 53 | 1226 |
75. |  The Survival Revolution My Families Adventures in Prepping
 | 小火箭ssr永久免费节点 | 5332 |
76. |  Vigil Prudence Self-Reliance & Survival ~ The Life Of A Woman
 | 45 | 6191 |
77. |  The Trailer Park Homesteader Preparedness & Self-sufficiency
 | 47 | 7271 |
免费shadowsock二维码 | Â The Homesteading Hippy self sufficiency in an urban area
 | 47 | 5065 |
免费节点二维码分享 | Â Mountain Boy Journals - Off-grid Wilderness Living I am a christian and I am high functioning Autistic. I live off-grid very traditionally with my parents in the Northern Idaho Wilderness and I LOVE it. I look forward to sharing my adventures, knowledge and stories.
 | 46 | 6128 |
80. |  Father Son Preppers Family focused site where Tony and John get to the point of Prepping, SHTF, and TEOTWAWKI topics. Learn to keep your family safe.
 | 46 | 3578 |
81. |  Teotwawki Network Teotwawki articles since 1996
 | 40 | 6208 |
82. |  Top Survival Weapons I focus on weapons that can be used in a survival situation.
 | 38 | 4565 |
83. |  Talon Survival The flight of survival, from the technical to the primal. Preparedness and survival breadcrumbs to help others by sharing knowledge and lessons learned.
 | 38 | 2822 |
84. |  Nature's Access Wild Edibles/Medicinal Plants, Survival and Access to Nature for everyone.
 | shadowrocket替伋品 | 3418 |
85. |  Ultimate Prepping Prepping Tips and Survival Skills. Be prepared.
 | 36 | 2771 |
shadowrocket美区id | Â Sheepdog Man Sheepdog man is a place for those who love the outdoors, firearms, hunting, fishing, camping, prepping and protecting and providing for those they love. It is a resource. A treasure trove of information. A guide. A way of life.
 | 34 | 3467 |
shadowrocket美区id | Â Rogue Survivor Survival Tips and Resources for Concerned Citizens
 | 33 | 4423 |
88. |  Survival Planet Fun and creative willderness survival skills and prepping ideas.
 | 31 | 5664 |
89. |  Survivalist Knowledge Find the knowledge you need to be prepared
 | 31 | 2105 |
90. |  shadowrocket美区id The Busy Family's Choice for Survival Planning and Instruction
 | 免费shadowsock二维码 | 879 |
91. |  Living Life In Rural Iowa
 | 29 | 2042 |
shadowrocket和potatso lite | Â The Pampered Prepper Food, Emergency Preparedness, Health, Long-Term food storage, Pantry Organization
 | 28 | 5096 |
93. |  News 4 Americans Daily Survival, Health and Homesteading tips for conservative Americans.
 | 26 | 2791 |
94. |  NORTHCOUNTRYSURVIVAL Prepping, Survival, Bushcraft, EDC, Firearms
 | 免费shadowsock二维码 | 2553 |
95. |  Survival Gear Information on modern survival and world politics.
 | 20 | 5788 |
96. |  Ungovernable Evil Mongers Enragés Against the Machinations
 | 16 | 4047 |
97. |  The Prepping Authority This new site covers preparedness, survival and much more!
 | 16 | 3665 |
98. |  Survival Journal Making sure our families are ready for anything, from a simple prolonged power outage to an all-out zombie apocalypse!
 | 13 | 1308 |
99. |  Florida Prepper and Survival Guide Survival Prepping for normal people
 | 13 | 633 |
100. |  Crisis Equipped Common sense and detailed guides for emergency preparedness and wilderness survival.
 | 12 | 313 |
101. |  The Survival Journal Bringing Back Survival & Self-Reliance To The Modern Man
 | 11 | 549 |
102. |  The Moore Homestead Helping others cultivate a homesteading lifestyle by growing food, cooking from scratch, and focusing on family.
 | 11 | 97 |
shadowrocket和potatso lite | Â Survival Cape Cod
 | 10 | 620 |
104. |  The Stuffed Prepper.com WE ARE HUMANITY ,WE ARE ALL PREPPERS
 | 8 | 3147 |
105. |  Prepping Privacy We focus on Prepping and the Privacy issues with Technology we all use today. We offer Private Secure, Ad-Free email at ILJ.com and ILJ.us with an Affiliate Program to Earn Monthly, Recurring Income.
 | 8 | 157 |
106. |  Endtimesprep Australian Christian Preppers
 | 7 | shadowrocket替伋品 |
107. |  Everyday Carry Experts Everything related to EDC everyday carry
 | 6 | 1636 |
108. |  Ph-Prepper Beginning to Prep in the Philippines
 | 6 | 41 |
109. |  shadowrocket免费节点 Philippines Think smart before you start. Stay Alert – Don’t Get Hurt.
 | 4 | 19 |
110. |  Falling in Woods Homestead, goofs and fun!
 | 3 | 1241 |
111. |  apocalypseshop.de German shop for all needs in case of a apocalypse
 | 2 | 751 |
112. |  Florida Prepper Guide to Preparing for the worst and Survival
 | 1 | 免费shadowsock二维码 |
113. |  Cape Cod Survival Kits
 | 0 | 698 |
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